Do you know your skin type?
Posted January 07, 2020 in Skin Type
3 Min Read
One simple way to figure out what your skin type may be is to first, remove any traces of makeup you may have on with a gentle cleansing wipe. This will also help clear the skin of dirt and oil. Next, cleanse your skin with a dime-size amount of gentle cleanser. Do not scrub or overwash as this could potentially dry out your skin. Do not apply anything afterward for an hour.
After one hour it is time to asses your sitchy-ation! Use a tissue to dab your skin. If you see any oil then you have combination skin or oily skin.

Oily Skin
Oily skin will feel smooth. If your skin is without end shiny and not in that glitter fantastic way you most likely fall in the Oily category. More often than not Oily skin types often fall into acne-prone skin as bacteria likes to feed off of these oils. Using a gentle cleanser in your am routine and an active foam wash in the evening with Glycolic, Salicylic, and Benzoyl Peroxide can help effectively remove excess oils. Moisturizer is still necessary but opt for lighter options. While oily skin can be a pain it is more resistant to wrinkles which is a skin win in my book!
Dry Skin
Your skin will feel taut. Dry skin gravitates towards looking red and may sometimes flake. Typically with drier skin types, the pore size is much smaller whereas your oilier skin types the pores appear more dilated. Eating more foods with essential fatty acids such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Seek out moisturizers that are in jars. They are generally more hydrating. Hyaluronic Acid is a moisture binder and booster that every skin type can benefit from. Add a few drops of this liquid gold into your moisturizer to pack in that immediate hydration. One of the silver linings to a thirstier skin type is your skin absorbs all of the yummy nutrition you are applying better than most!
Combination Skin
The tricky trickay kind. You really need to pay attention to your skin daily and especially seasonally. Skin does NOT lie! Your T zone will feel smooth but the cheeks feel tighter. Opt for oil-free hydrating ingredients that will deliver moisture but remain lightweight. Down the center of your face and around the chin tends to stay oiler, we have more oil glands in these areas. (Yay pimples) A little extra exfoliation a couple of times a week can aid in keeping the pores cleaner.
Sensitive Skin
Red, irritated, itchy skin? Prone to rash or patchiness? Figuring out your skin triggers can be difficult so your best bet is to stay consistent in a regimen that keeps you healthy and strong. Fragrance-free cleansers are your BFFL. Stock up on calming products- anything that soothes and provides relief. For a fast fix, you can keep some of your serums and moisturizers in the fridge. The cool temperatures will almost always instantly help constrict the dilated blood vessels that make your skin appear stressed out.
-Lindsay Garcia