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Breast Implant Surgery Myths! What Have You Heard?

Posted October 08, 2018 in Breast Augmentation, Breast Surgeries

Woman covering her breast

I Have To Replace My Breast Implants Periodically

For most women, their implants will last anywhere from 8 to approximately 30 years. The standard warranty for the majority of implant manufacturers will cover them for at least ten years. You can check with different manufacturers to see if different options are available. Consult your plastic surgeon, as he will have experience with the different companies and may prefer one over another.

A Mammogram Will Break My Breast Implant

A mammogram screening can be more challenging for a woman with breast implants. The x-rays used for breast imaging cannot go through implants well enough to show the breast tissue that is over or under it. Basically the part of the breast tissue covered by the saline or silicone implant will not be able to be detected by the normal screening.

A process is in place to take additional pictures during the screening process. This allows the most breast tissue to be seen by mammography. This procedure is referred to as “Implant Displacement Views”. These additional views are easier to perform in women whose implants are behind the chest muscle.

It is very rare for a mammogram to cause an implant to rupture, but always tell your technician that you have them.

Breast implants look fake!

Avoid an unnatural looking result by making sure you express your wishes regarding the size of your breasts as well as the breast look and feel to your surgeon. It’s also a good idea to look at their “before and after” photo gallery so you can specifically show them your desired result. If there are a number of photos that you consider “fake looking”, you may want to consider another plastic surgeon. His idea of “natural” may be different than yours.

The most natural look can be achieved by placing the implant under the muscle with an implant of adequate size and shape. Using an implant that is too large for a particular frame will create an unnatural looking appearance.

A “natural” looking breast is when there is a gentle slope from the chest and projecting forward towards a woman’s nipple. The nipple should be the most prominent part of her breast. The majority of the breast volume should be in the lower half of the breast. Breast lift surgery can be added to give you a more natural look.

Breast implants feel too hard

Once you have breast implants, your breasts will never feel exactly as soft as natural breasts. Although the silicone breast implants used today run a very close second. Scar tissue plays a key role regarding how implants feel over time. It’s important to prevent as much scar tissue around the implant as possible.

This can’t be entirely prevented but there are certain things that can reduce the risk. Saline implants are less likely to become encapsulated (scar tissue forms around) than implants made of silicone gel. Placing the implant under the chest muscle seems to help keep it feeling soft. There are also implant displacement exercises that can help maintaining softer implants.

Breast implants cause breast cancer

There is no medical evidence at this time to indicate that having breast implants causes breast cancer. There in also no information available to link silicone gel implants and cancer.

Be informed about plastic surgery

There is much information anywhere you wish to look regarding cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation, and breast implant surgery. Make sure your resources are reliable as you begin your decision making journey to increase the size of your breasts. Find a board certified plastic surgeon you believe in and sift through the accurate vs inaccurate information you will find on the web. Educate yourself and make an informed decision with the help of your surgeon, regarding what is ultimately best for you.